Reunion of the Bible Way Church. 05.07.2020
It had been so long, for more than 3 months, since the church could not get together due to the declared quarantine in the country. Because of the pandemic, severe restrictions were imposed which greatly affected the local community. So, on Sunday, the fifth of July, the Bible Way Church had a solemn event of the Church Reunion. It was a festive musical meeting with the church orchestral, four worship groups, and the children’s choir. The Bible Way Church invited guests to rejoice together to the Lord Who has kept our health and lives, and we all can get together again. After the solemn part, tables were laid, where everyone could spend time communicating and having a cup of tea.
Reunion of the Bible Way Church. 05.07.2020
It had been so long, for more than 3 months, since the church could not get together due to the declared quarantine in the country. Because of the pandemic, severe restrictions were imposed which greatly affected the local community. So, on Sunday, the fifth of July, the Bible Way Church had a solemn event of the Church Reunion. It was a festive musical meeting with the church orchestral, four worship groups, and the children’s choir. The Bible Way Church invited guests to rejoice together to the Lord Who has kept our health and lives, and we all can get together again. After the solemn part, tables were laid, where everyone could spend time communicating and having a cup of tea.
The funeral of Stasia Morkunene (02.07.2020).
The funeral of Stasia Morkunene was held on July 2, 2020. She went to Heaven July 1st, at the age of 76. We express our sincere condolences to her husband Algis, her children, grandchildren and relatives. Stasia Morkunene was a woman of fervent prayer in the Bible Way Church, a prophetic vessel, a missionary, and a devoted servant to the Lord. She walked hundreds of kilometers, dozens of villages, and many houses to tell people the good news about salvation in Jesus Christ. The Lord blessed us through the prayers and ministry of Stasia. Her good deeds follow her. Her husband, Algis, said about his wife: “The Lord really acted through her.” We will sincerely miss our hard worker and zeal in the work of the Lord.
The funeral of Stasia Morkunene (02.07.2020).
The funeral of Stasia Morkunene was held on July 2, 2020. She went to Heaven July 1st, at the age of 76. We express our sincere condolences to her husband Algis, her children, grandchildren and relatives. Stasia Morkunene was a woman of fervent prayer in the Bible Way Church, a prophetic vessel, a missionary, and a devoted servant to the Lord. She walked hundreds of kilometers, dozens of villages, and many houses to tell people the good news about salvation in Jesus Christ. The Lord blessed us through the prayers and ministry of Stasia. Her good deeds follow her. Her husband, Algis, said about his wife: “The Lord really acted through her.” We will sincerely miss our hard worker and zeal in the work of the Lord.

The voice of the bridegroom and the bride.
On June 28, 2020, the voice of the bride and groom again sounded in the Bible Way Church. Marius Miliavicius offered the heart and hand to Ausra Drazdat. Praise God for making all things new!
The voice of the bridegroom and the bride.

On June 28, 2020, the voice of the bride and groom again sounded in the Bible Way Church. Marius Miliavicius offered the heart and hand to Ausra Drazdat. Praise God for making all things new!
The funeral of Lyuba Karsakene (June 28, 2020).
On June 27, 2020, our dear sister Lyuba Karsakene went to Heaven. We express our condolences to the near and dear ones. Lyuba was a great example of sincere love for everyone, especially for those who were close to her. We grieve very much for our dear sister. She will be really missed.
The funeral of Lyuba Karsakene (June 28, 2020).
On June 27, 2020, our dear sister Lyuba Karsakene went to Heaven. We express our condolences to the near and dear ones. Lyuba was a great example of sincere love for everyone, especially for those who were close to her. We grieve very much for our dear sister. She will be really missed.
Baptism in the Bible Way Church (06/27/2020).
On Saturday, June 27, 2020, baptism took place in the Bible Way Church. Four brothers and one sister were baptized this summer morning. It was a special day for the baptized and for the whole church. Many people gathered to embrace and congratulate those who decided to make a covenant with the Lord.
Baptism in the Bible Way Church (06/27/2020).
On Saturday, June 27, 2020, baptism took place in the Bible Way Church. Four brothers and one sister were baptized this summer morning. It was a special day for the baptized and for the whole church. Many people gathered to embrace and congratulate those who decided to make a covenant with the Lord.
The voice of the bridegroom and the bride.
On June 14, 2020, the voice of the bride and groom sounded again in the Bible Way Church. Oleg Shnitkov made a proposal to Loreta Dmitruk. Both, Oleg and Loreta, grew up in large families. Loreta is the daughter of the pastor, Anatoly Dmitruk. Thank God for the decision of the betrothed. It was a joyful event not only for the young couple, but for the whole church.
The voice of the bridegroom and the bride.
On June 14, 2020, the voice of the bride and groom sounded again in the Bible Way Church. Oleg Shnitkov made a proposal to Loreta Dmitruk. Both, Oleg and Loreta, grew up in large families. Loreta is the daughter of the pastor, Anatoly Dmitruk. Thank God for the decision of the betrothed. It was a joyful event not only for the young couple, but for the whole church.
Youth Camp 2020.
From the 19th to the 21st of June, the Bible Way Church organized a youth camp in the Ignalina District. Young people from 5 different churches took part in the camp: the Biblical Way, the Prayer House, the Living Stones and the Churches from Kaunas and Lentvaris. The youth took part in games, seminars, prayers for teenagers and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Pastor Anatoly Dmitruk came to the camp and shared his word during the seminar. In the meetings, young brothers shared the word. Young families who got married recently also joined the camp. The Lord blessed all these days with beautiful weather so it was nice to swim in the lake. A bathhouse was heated on Saturday evening. Every evening after dinner, young people gathered around a fire with a guitar. A special thanks to the cooks who prepared really good meals for every day.
Youth Camp 2020.
From the 19th to the 21st of June, the Bible Way Church organized a youth camp in the Ignalina District. Young people from 5 different churches took part in the camp: the Biblical Way, the Prayer House, the Living Stones and the Churches from Kaunas and Lentvaris. The youth took part in games, seminars, prayers for teenagers and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Pastor Anatoly Dmitruk came to the camp and shared his word during the seminar. In the meetings, young brothers shared the word. Young families who got married recently also joined the camp. The Lord blessed all these days with beautiful weather so it was nice to swim in the lake. A bathhouse was heated on Saturday evening. Every evening after dinner, young people gathered around a fire with a guitar. A special thanks to the cooks who prepared really good meals for every day.
Blessing Children on Father’s Day
On Sunday, June 7, the Bible Way Church had a blessing for children which coincided with Father’s Day when compliments were sent to all fathers: children recited poems;. youth dedicated a song to all dads. In conclusion, small prizes were awarded to all the fathers.
Blessing Children on Father’s Day
On Sunday, June 7, the Bible Way Church had a blessing for children which coincided with Father’s Day when compliments were sent to all fathers: children recited poems;. youth dedicated a song to all dads. In conclusion, small prizes were awarded to all the fathers.
A gratitude action on Children’s Day
On Children’s Day, the children’s choir “Valio” took part in the “Thank you, Lithuania” action organized by the government. The choir sang songs with the words of prayer for Lithuania. In this symbolic action, which lasted 15 minutes, they thanked: doctors, officials, social workers, volunteers, suppliers, pharmacists, businessmen and everyone else who helped to insure support and provided the necessary services during the coronavirus. Participation of the choir “Valio” was orchestrated by Gintare Kachkovska, Monika Olishkevichute and Irina Gafurova.
A gratitude action on Children’s Day
On Children’s Day, the children’s choir “Valio” took part in the “Thank you, Lithuania” action organized by the government. The choir sang songs with the words of prayer for Lithuania. In this symbolic action, which lasted 15 minutes, they thanked: doctors, officials, social workers, volunteers, suppliers, pharmacists, businessmen and everyone else who helped to insure support and provided the necessary services during the coronavirus. Participation of the choir “Valio” was orchestrated by Gintare Kachkovska, Monika Olishkevichute and Irina Gafurova.
Gagik Sirekanyan’s funeral
April 19, 2020 the funeral was held in the Bible Way Church. Our dear and beloved brother, Gagik Sirekanyan, went to heaven. Unfortunately, due to the lockdown, not everyone could attend the funeral in order to bid the final farewell to our dear brother. We express our sincere condolences to the near and dear ones, in particular: his wife Olga, his children, mother, and brother Samvel and his wife.
Gagik was an example to follow in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ for many. We will remember our dear and beloved Gagik Sirekanyan.
Gagik Sirekanyan’s funeral
April 19, 2020 the funeral was held in the Bible Way Church. Our dear and beloved brother, Gagik Sirekanyan, went to heaven. Unfortunately, due to the lockdown, not everyone could attend the funeral in order to bid the final farewell to our dear brother. We express our sincere condolences to the near and dear ones, in particular: his wife Olga, his children, mother, and brother Samvel and his wife.
Gagik was an example to follow in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ for many. We will remember our dear and beloved Gagik Sirekanyan.